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Related events to Mohammed Loulichki

Add to Calendar 2017-04-13 09:00 2017-04-13 09:00 Africa/Casablanca 3ème édition des Dialogues Stratégiques : Recomposition géopolitique du Proche et Moyen Orient, et Golfe arabo-persique et nouvelle physionomie du Golfe de Guinée Paris, France  Séminaire par invitation HEC Center for Geopolitics et OCP Policy Center ont lancé en 2016, le premier cycle des «Strategic Dialogues», une plateforme d’analyse et de débat stratégique autour des principaux enjeux géopolitiques et sécuritaires internationaux, mais également régionaux revêtant une importance capitale pour les continents européen et africain. Paris, France OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
April 13, 2017

3ème édition des Dialogues Stratégiques : Recomposition géopolitique du Proche et Moyen Orient, et Golfe arabo-persique et nouvelle physionomie du Golfe de Guinée

Paris, France 

Séminaire par invitation

HEC Center for Geopolitics et OCP Policy Center ont lancé en 2016, le premier cycle des «Strategic Dialogues», une plateforme d’analyse et de débat stratégique autour des principaux enjeux géopolitiques et sécuritaires internationaux, mais également régionaux revêtant une importance capitale pour les continents européen et africain.

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Add to Calendar 2017-04-04 08:45 2017-04-04 18:00 Africa/Casablanca EU - Africa Strategic Dialogue Rabat, Morocco The EU-Africa Strategic Dialogue is an international conference co-organized by the European Union Institute For Security Studies and the OCP Policy Center, in cooperation with Compagnia di San Paolo, in the context of the “African Futures” project. The objective is to explore possible African trends and scenarios with a horizon of 10 to 15 years, i.e. the end of the next decade,... Sofitel Jardin des Roses, Rabat OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
April 04, 2017 More

EU - Africa Strategic Dialogue

Add to Calendar 2017-03-09 09:00 2017-03-09 17:00 Africa/Casablanca Supporting a Stable and Durable Regional Security Environment in North Africa London, United Kingdom While Europe is struggling with one of its worst migrant crisis in modern times, government officials, policy-makers, and the international community are increasingly urged to look at other strategies to tackle this increasingly pressing humanitarian and security dilemma. Controversial methods of closing down the borders and deporting illegal enterers are just not enough to... London, United Kingdom OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
March 09, 2017 More

Supporting a Stable and Durable Regional Security Environment in North Africa

Add to Calendar 2016-07-18 17:00 2016-07-18 19:00 Africa/Casablanca U.S. Policy towards Africa: Balance and Prospective OCP Policy Center is hosting Dr. J. Peter Pham, Director of the Africa Center at the Atlantic Center in Washington D.C. on Monday July 18th, 2016 at 5pm in the OCP Policy Center office in Rabat. The theme of the convening is U.S. Policy towards Africa: Balance and Prospective. OCP Policy Center, Rabat OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
July 18, 2016 More

U.S. Policy towards Africa: Balance and Prospective
